Mann mit Smartphone, umgeben von Icons, die Nachhaltigkeit symbolisieren

Thinking and acting for the long term


Our commitment to the SDGs

Sustainability is a topic that concerns our employees as much as it does us as a group of companies. Personal responsibility is important to us. We think in terms of years rather than quarters and try to act operationally and concretely as well as tackle many challenges in a meaningful way. As a digital group, our aim is not only to offer innovative solutions, but also to make a positive contribution to sustainability. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) describe the United Nations' goals for sustainable development and are an important guideline for us to achieve our goal. Here are some of the measures we are taking to actively implement the SDGs.

SDG 3: Health & well-being

Our measures to promote health at work and in the community include measures to combat illness and promote mental health; we want to encourage our employees to remain active and to recognize and treat illnesses at an early stage.

Corporate fitness

eye examinations

Vaccination opportunities

Blood donation campaigns

First aid courses

Fire protection training

Mental coaching

SDG 4: High-quality education

Through our programs, we create a dynamic learning environment that enables our employees to continuously grow and develop.

In our IT training center, we regularly offer training and further education opportunities for employees. Together with the Bremen employment office, we run retraining programs to train future IT specialists. New employees go through a special training lab that prepares them for the professional world and enables them to develop and improve their skills.
In addition to our training programs, we have created exchange platforms that promote the exchange of knowledge within the company and support the personal and professional development of our employees.

We support various programs for children, such as Tandem Power, Code Week, Future Day and school internships. We supervise bachelor theses, are involved in Avanja, give lectures on specialist topics, take on teaching assignments and take part in panel discussions.

Code Week

Getting children and young people interested in IT - that's the aim of Code Week, which takes place every year during the fall break. We organize Code Week together with the Körber Foundation and other Bremen-based companies. Our aim is to introduce boys and girls to the digital world in a fun way. To this end, we offer various workshops to get them interested in hacking and programming.

Illustration für Code Week mit Komm und Machen im Text


Women in IT! We are involved in Avanja, an initiative of the industry association bremen digitalmedia. The aim of the initiative is to get more women working in IT professions. Avanja shows companies how to tackle the shortage of skilled workers and reach women in a targeted manner. We fully support this project. After all, mixed teams are more successful and innovative. For example, we took part in the "Avanja Recruiting Challenge" to optimize our recruiting processes and improve our approach to women and female graduates.

Illustration für Avanja Recruiting Challenge 2023 mit Text Wir sind dabei

Tandem Power

Business meets young talent

A new approach to career guidance: the Tandem Power project motivates young talent for IT professions and attempts to counteract the shortage of skilled workers. The idea: up to 25 students and company representatives get to know each other over two days. There are workshops to familiarize them with the professions. Typical IT clichés are also dispelled. We are part of the project to support the promotion of young talent and counteract the shortage of skilled workers.

Logo von Projekt TandemPower, das IT-Unternehmen und Schüler zusammenbringt

SDG 5: Gender equality

We attach great importance to the compatibility of work, family and private life for our employees. To support this balance, we rely on trust, personal responsibility, flexible working time models, remote working and working from home. In addition, there is always the option to make individual arrangements that suit your current life situation. For our commitment, we have been awarded the "Excellent Family-Friendly" quality seal by the state of Bremen.

Bild für SDG 5 zu dem Thema Geschlechtergleichheit

SDG 7: Affordable & clean energy

We specifically use energy-efficient technologies in our data centers and offices to optimize our energy consumption and minimize the use of non-renewable energy sources.

We also purchase green electricity from certified sources, actively reducing our carbon footprint and supporting the use of clean energy.

We also raise awareness among our employees about the conscious use of energy and promote energy-efficient behavior within our company.

Bild für SDG 7 zu dem Thema Bezahlbare und saubere Energie

SDG 8:  Decent work & economic growth

We create jobs with fair wages and good working conditions. In our company, we offer our employees a great deal of freedom and promote a working culture based on mutual respect and appreciation. We have summarized our most important principles in our "team code".

Our modern, well-equipped workplaces are regularly checked for health and safety. We also offer health-promoting measures such as flu vaccinations to protect the health of our employees.

Bild für SDG 8 zu dem Thema menschenwürdige Arbeit und Wirtschaftswachstum

SDG 10: Fewer inequalities

As a company, we have signed the Diversity Charter and live a corporate culture that respects and values diversity and offers all employees the same opportunities, regardless of gender, origin or background.

To promote diversity, we implement various measures for inclusion and participation. These include our Diversity Day activities, such as the change of perspective. We also take part in the Diversity Challenge of the Diversity Charter and promote women in IT professions through our participation in the Avanja initiative in Bremen. We promote barrier-free workplaces and participation in the "Inklupreneur" project. "Inklupreneur" helps to reduce inequalities by supporting people with different backgrounds and abilities to successfully find a place in the world of work.

Bild für SDG 10 mit dem Thema Weniger Ungleichheiten

SDG 11: Sustainable cities and communities

As a company, we are actively committed to environmentally friendly mobility solutions in order to minimize the negative impact on the environment. To this end, we have already implemented a number of measures:

  • Introduction of bicycle leasing with JobRad and participation in the "Cycle to work" campaign
  • Use of electric cars in our vehicle fleet and the installation of charging stations for electric vehicles at the workplace
  • Promotion of carpooling, support in financing the Deutschlandticket and the use of car-sharing services such as Cambio
  • Promoting remote working or flexible working hours to reduce the need for commuting

SDG 13: Climate protection measures

To reduce our ecological footprint, we are committed to environmentally friendly procurement practices and sustainable waste disposal.

We consistently separate waste, switched from plastic bottles to reusable glass bottles and aim to be a paperless office. By reducing paper consumption and using digital document management systems, we minimize our ecological footprint and contribute to the protection of forests and habitats.

We are also reducing our e-waste by extending our product life cycle and giving hardware a second life. By refurbishing and passing on used devices to social institutions or through recycling, we are helping to reduce waste and conserve resources.

We optimize heating control, implement energy-saving measures and reduce CO2 emissions as part of our business activities.

Bild für SDG 13 zu dem Thema Maßnahmen zum Klimaschutz

SDG 17: Partnerships to achieve the goals

We prefer to work with regional suppliers and partners in order to strengthen the local economy and minimize transport routes.


Bild für SDG 17 zu dem Thema Partnerschaften zur Erreichung der Ziele

Your contact for sustainability

Paula Emigholz

sustainability manager
+49 421 20696-484