Our technologies for your DXP

With over 1,200 IT experts, we offer a DXP solution for every digital challenge. Be it JAVA, .NET or PHP solutions. Systems with a focus on marketing, commerce or portals - we offer consulting, system selection and implementation for your project.

Beispielhafte Darstellung der Umsetzung einer DXP Technologie


An enterprise-level .NET DXP solution that offers sophisticated WCMS features, scalability and above all an integrated mix of marketing & business functions and analysis tools. One of the most important arguments in favour of Sitecore is the outstanding content personalization options.

Partnerschaft mit der Technologie von Sitecore

Adobe Experience Manager

An enterprise-level Java DXP solution as a powerful combination from the Adobe ecosystem. For high requirements as an enterprise content management system and digital asset management.

Partnerschaft mit der Technologie von Adobe

FirstSpirit DXP

A hybrid headless enterprise-level Java DXP solution from the cloud or on-premises, designed for internationally operating companies. Flexible, API-based integration options and a modern microservices architecture make FirstSpirit an outstanding integration platform. AI-driven personalization and a convenient editorial interface support the creation of the optimal digital experience.

Partnerschaft mit der Technologie FirstSpirit


An all-in-one platform for comprehensive enterprise DXP projects with numerous portal, CMS and commerce functions, available from the cloud or on-premises, based on open source. Whether website, intranet, supplier portal or B2B commerce platform: with Liferay DXP, you can create a seamless digital experience along the customer journey and offer your users the services they need and love.

Partnerschaft mit der Technologie von Liferay


An open source CMS with strong headless functions, great flexibility and good integration capabilities. The convenient editorial interface can be easily extended and customized, ideal for our enhanced Author Experience (eAX)® approach. Magnolia can be operated either as a self-hosted, SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) or PaaS (Platform-as-a-Service) solution. There is even a free Community Edition with somewhat limited functionalities for smaller projects.  

Partnerschaft mit der Technologie von Magnolia


An OpenSource PHP-DXP solution with strengths in data, asset and product data management. Strong framework for the realization of individual data and customer experience. Integrated PIM, MDM, DAM and CDM products in the Pimcore platform. Pimcore maps both DXP and digital commerce platforms in the B2B and B2C sectors.

Partnerschaft mit der Technologie von Pimcore


As a content supply chain platform, Celum is an omnichannel solution for digital asset management that was developed as a system component for the integration of web-based system landscapes, among other things. Celum thus serves as a solution for the asset-supported centralization, management, editing and processing of digital media of any type, for any format and for any output channel.

Partnerschaft mit der Technologie Akaneo


A cloud-based enterprise e-commerce solution. It offers a high degree of flexibility and potential for managing large SKU volumes thanks to the separation of front and back-end logic (headless), API control and microservices. The system itself can be operated in its entirety or in logic parts. It has more than 200 feature APIs for almost any task or interface in the e-commerce sector.

Partnerschaft mit der Technologie commercetools


Cloud-based PIM solution to improve management and workflows in the PXM (Product Experience Management) area. It is designed for omnichannel utilization and, as a MACH-certified solution, supports both the goal of maximum customizability and scalability as well as complex DXP strategies as an integral component in the development of such an ecosystem.

Partnerschaft mit der Technologie von Akaneo

Which DXP strategy suits your project?

Contact our experts now!

Jörg Scholtz

managing director
+49 221 913999-20

Claudio Diaspero

Managing Director
+49 421 333055-569

Stefan Krohne

Managing Director
+49 421 20696-0