Individual advice on accessibility

We offer individual advice on digital accessibility. Our experts have extensive experience and specialist knowledge in this area and are here to support you. This is how we ensure that your digital content is accessible to all users.


Beispielbild Angebot individuelle Beratung zur Barrierefreiheit bei team neusta

Breaking down barriers and expanding reach

Unser Ziel ist es, dir dabei zu helfen, Barrieren abzubauen und eine inklusive Online-Erfahrung, individuelle Software oder mobile Applikationen (Apps) für deine Zielgruppe zu schaffen. Dabei betrachten wir sowohl die Design-seitigen als auch die entwicklungsspezifischen Anforderungen deiner Anwendung. Durch die Implementierung von Accessibility-Standards und -Praktiken kannst du nicht nur gesetzlichen Anforderungen entsprechen, Du kannst auch deine Reichweite erweitern und einen positiven Eindruck bei deinen Nutzer:innen hinterlassen.

Our services

Accessibility check

We check your existing digital content, including websites, applications, documents and multimedia elements, for accessibility. We identify potential obstacles and give you concrete recommendations for optimization.

Accessibility strategy

We work with you to develop a customized accessibility strategy that is tailored to your specific needs and goals, taking into account your target audience, your industry and the best practices for digital accessibility.

Training and awareness raising

We offer training and awareness-raising measures for your team to increase awareness of digital accessibility. We show you how to integrate accessibility principles into your work processes and support you in developing a sustainable accessibility culture.

Continuous support

Our advice doesn't stop with the initial optimization. We offer you long-term support to ensure that your digital content always remains accessible. We are available to answer your questions, carry out regular reviews and help you keep up with new technologies and best practices.

More offers

In addition to individual advice on digital accessibility, we also offer to check your mobile application (app), software solutions or websites according to the BITV 2.0 standards. Alternatively, we can also offer you guidance for an accessible future in a free consultation. We look forward to supporting you with your concerns about digital accessibility.

Secure your individual offer now!

We will be happy to advise you.

Claudio Diaspero

Managing Director
+49 421 333055-569

Tim Wessel

Consultant for digital accessibility
+49 421 333055-537