Am I and my company affected by the EAA?

The European Accessibility Act will apply from June 28, 2025 and requires certain products and services used by consumers to be accessible.

Who does the EAA apply to?

The following products and services are covered by the EAA


  • Computers, notebooks, tablets, smartphones, cell phones
  • Self-service terminals such as ATMs, ticket machines and check-in machines
  • Televisions with internet access
  • E-book readers
  • routers


  • Telecommunication services
  • e-books
  • Services offered on mobile devices (including apps) in interregional passenger transport
  • banking services
  • Services in electronic commerce (e.g. B2C online stores)
  • Passenger transportation services

Accessibility in B2B

Services that are offered exclusively in the B2B (business to business) sector are not affected by the EAA. Nevertheless, accessibility measures also bring numerous advantages in the B2B sector:
  • Improved SEO ranking
  • Better usability and user experience
  • Avoidance of errors during use
  • Addressing a larger target group (12.6% of people have a recognized disability)

Accessibility for public authorities

The regulations on accessibility for public institutions continue to be defined by the Act on Equal Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities (BGG) and the and the Accessible Information Technology Ordinance 2.0 (BITV 2.0).

Since June 23, 2021, mobile applications must be designed to be accessible. In general, all public institutions, including authorities, ministries, courts, public hospitals and universities, are obliged to provide accessible websites.

Take action!

Would you like to take action yourself and promote accessibility in your company? Then our one-day training course on digital accessibility is just right for you!

Still uncertain?

Are you unsure whether you and your company are affected by the EAA? Get in touch with us!

Claudio Diaspero

Managing Director
+49 421 333055-569

Tim Wessel

Consultant for digital accessibility
+49 421 333055-537