Automatic digital dispatching for Nehlsen

We design and develop an optimization software for Nehlsen AG, which is connected to their existing ERP system. The software provides support for operational tour planning of various order types and vehicle types, enabling them to optimize their scheduling quality and save costs.

Mit team neusta zur Automatischen Digitalen Disposition für Nehlsen

Project shortcuts

Nehlsen AG has been a leader in the fields of waste disposal, recycling and environmental services for over 100 years. The aim of the project for Nehlsen is to connect optimization software to the existing ERP system “enwis” to support the operational planning of emptying and swap body vehicles. A particular focus is on relieving the dispatchers of manual planning and giving them more of a “controlling role” for this area of responsibility. By optimizing individual activities instead of entire orders, a high level of scheduling quality is achieved, which leads to considerable cost savings and improved service quality.

Goal workflow

  • Selection and data transfer

    The dispatcher selects a site and a transport group and transfers the data to the optimization software.

  • Optimization view

    The software is opened in the browser and is continuously updated. The most important key performance indicators (KPIs) for optimization can be viewed at any time.

  • Results analysis

    The dispatcher can view the optimization results from different angles, such as in a map view, in the schedule or based on the KPIs. The “HERE Routing” cloud service is used for route planning.

  • Manual adjustments

    Adjustments can be made manually at any time to refine the planning.

  • Closing and import

    Once the optimization has been completed, whether automatically or manually, the scheduling department checks the results and saves them. These can then be imported into “enwis” for the selected transport group and operating site.

The special features of the ADD software

Our special task in this project is to design and develop modern optimization software that is linked to an existing ERP system. This type of software has not been available in the waste disposal industry to date, which is why Nehlsen's project idea can be seen as innovative pioneering work with numerous challenges and new opportunities. The application enables employees in the scheduling department to operate with a “controlling” function: They check the automatically optimized result and no longer have to schedule themselves, although manual adjustments are still possible. The optimization software ensures consistently high quality in scheduling and leads to considerable cost savings. From the outset, Nehlsen has attached great importance to using Automatic Digital Dispatching (ADD) not as a replacement, but as a digital partner for dispatchers. For this reason, locations are regularly integrated for testing and feedback during implementation. Despite the focus on a B2B application, which is not yet affected by the Accessibility Improvement Act, we also take the principles of accessibility into account during the design phase.

Quote from the customer

Thomas Schmidt, Process and project manager at Nehlsen AG

“We are delighted to have found a reliable partner in team neusta. The good cooperation has led to us developing a customized solution together. With the ADD software, we are taking another important step towards a digital future.”

Contact us now and find out more about ADD!

Lars Seinschedt

managing director
+49 421 20696-229