Customer service chatbot for Wolters Reisen

We developed an interactive customer service channel for Wolters Rundreisen in the form of a chatbot on their website.

Bild vom Chatbot von Wolters Rundreisen auf der Webseite für Kundenanfragen

Project shortcuts

The aim of the project was to create a new website feature for Wolters' customer service, with which its customers can interact. By offering a chatbot as an additional customer service channel, frequently asked customer questions (FAQ) are answered more quickly and the existing customer service hotline is relieved. The chosen Microsoft architecture enables the seamless integration of further use cases into the chatbot in order to adapt the new communication channel even better to the needs of customers. The chatbot has been in use since February 2024 and is constantly being optimized.

Development of a knowledge base for the language model

Together with the customer, we developed a knowledge base in which the recurring customer queries are stored as question-answer pairs. This generates a language model that is specifically trained for the topics of Wolters Reisen.

Configuration of the chatbot with Microsoft

With the help of Microsoft Power Automate and Microsoft Copilot Studio, we configured the chatbot so that this language model is used in a dialog with the bot. The aim is to have a conversation with the chatbot that is as natural as possible. One of our UX experts developed the concept and design of the dialog flows in parallel in close collaboration with the customer.

Microsoft Power Platform

Microsoft Azure

Power Virtual Agents

Bot configuration, Conversation Design

Power Automate

Connecting the bot to external services, implementing more complex bot behavior

Power BI

Analysis of chatbot usage via an interactive dashboard

Azure AI Services

Hosting of resources

Language Studio

Managing the knowledge base

Get in touch now and find out more!

Lars Seinschedt

managing director
+49 421 20696-229