E-label solution for Henkell Freixenet

Our new e-label solution for Henkell Freixenet uses Pimcore to label the ingredients and nutritional values of alcoholic beverages in compliance with the law.

Imagebild für digitale Label-Lösung für Henkell mit diversen Flaschen und Labeln

Project shortcuts

Together with our customer Henkell Freixenet, we have developed a customized solution based on Pimcore. The e-label solution simplifies workflows for product data maintenance and complies with EU requirements for legally compliant labeling of ingredients and nutritional information for alcoholic beverages. End consumers can scan a QR code to call up product-specific details and information, which are made available on a multilingual landing page.

Ansicht digitale Labellösung für Henkell auf Smartphone

Requirements according to EU Regulation 1308/2013

  • Legally compliant ingredient lists and nutritional labels must be provided
  • Information must be provided to end users in their national language
  • Output required at least in electronic form

Our digital solution is tailored precisely to these requirements. The nutritional information and ingredient lists of Henkell Freixenet products can now be viewed by scanning a QR code on the landing page. The information is displayed there in all 24 official EU languages, making EU-wide distribution possible. The user-friendly input mask ensures more efficient product data maintenance for employees.  By using Pimcore, we were able to develop an easy-to-use, scalable and standardized solution that can be expanded to meet additional requirements in the future.

Get in touch now

Claudio Diaspero

Managing Director
+49 421 333055-569