Salesforce-Pardot for the Prolife Homecare GmbH

At PROLIFE Homecare GmbH, we successfully introduced the Salesforce B2B marketing automation tool Pardot for online sales.

Mobile Endgeräte mit Online Portal auf den Screens

Project shortcuts

In order to optimize the existing processes in sales and marketing and to be able to use opportunities more efficiently, PROLIFE Homecare GmbH was looking for a partner with whom they could better position themselves and further expand their online sales. After a tight project phase, the new B2B marketing automation tool Salesforce Pardot was created.

Why Salesforce-Pardot?

In addition to optimizing sales and marketing processes, we should also generate more leads online in order to realize an automated and personal approach to interested parties in online sales. With the integration of the new B2B marketing automation tool Salesforce Pardot, PROLIFE is thus able to address online prospective customers personally and communicate automatically. In addition, it is a very future-proof cloud system, which we keep up-to-date with regular maintenance.

Get in touch now

Lars Seinschedt

managing director
+49 421 20696-229