A big assignment for the Verein für Innere Mission

With the new job portal including an extensive online and offline advertising campaign as well as a new corporate site of the association including distinctive imagery, we implemented two projects for the Verein für Innere Mission.

Kampagnenmotiv innere Mission Bremen für Arbeitgeberkampagne - Frau im Park

Project shortcuts

The aim of the new job portal was to position the Innere Mission as an exciting employer, to optimize the entire application process and to present information about the work of the association and its employment opportunities centrally and in a unified manner. We have also adapted the logo of the Innere Mission for this purpose. Finally, we developed a comprehensive recruiting advertising campaign both outdoor and online on social networks. The newly designed corporate site for customers enables barrier-free access due to a user-friendly design and easy language.

The Implementation

The implementation was based on the elaboration and implementation of two different and comprehensive workshops.

  • Kampagnenmotiv innere Mission Bremen für Arbeitgeberkampagne - Frau im Park

    Workshop for the definition of the target group

    After defining the target group, we used a special visual language to illustrate the "Innere Mission" of each individual job by means of an elaborate shoot. To optimize the entire application process, we integrated a professional personnel management tool called "d. vinci" to enable a central application and to retrieve information clearly.

    We placed the recruiting campaign online and throughout the entire city of Bremen. For this we developed posters, roll-ups and postcards.

  • Ansichten neue Website Innere Mission Bremen auf verschiedenen Endgeräten

    Workshop for the implementation of the new website

    A well-arranged and modern website was intended to address the target group. For us, barrier-free access and the integration of easy language were particularly crucial. We therefore dispensed with complex features and instead built in a clear and simple menu navigation. For the unmistakable visual language, we designed a distinctive illustration for each work area of the Association for Internal Mission in Bremen, which is characterised by its uniqueness and recognisability.

Get in touch now

Michael Rocker

managing director
+49 40 39999031-36